Current supply for electrochemical processes
Our electroplating rectifier has been developed especially for the needs of small electroplating baths and galvanizing by hand.
We have many years of experience in relation to the particular circumstances of the production of nickel-bonded diamond tools like dressing tool or dental tools.
For development of our electroplating rectifier we used many years of experience in a practical electroplating. Our rectifiers offer standard features that are indispensable in daily use for galvanic coating.
Here is an overview of the features of our current stabilizer.
- Precision constant current
- Amp-hour meter
- Timer
- Multi channel power supply
- Nickel bonded Diamond Tools T
- Multi-channel devices for precise control and low currents 0 .. 400 mA.
Visit our website to obtain additional information on electroplating rectifiers, current stabilizer, ampere hour meter and laboratory power supplies, diamond tools, electroforming and electroplating nobel metal.